Vga To Hdmi Converter

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Make Sure All Your Favorite Devices Can Connect With a VGA to HDMI Converter Cable

VGA (short for video graphics array) is an older form of connection that could link devices together and send video data from one to the next. Most commonly used on things like computer screens, there are many users who still make use of these connections despite newer options becoming available. To bridge the gap between generations, use a VGA to HDMI converter cable or connector from eBay to ensure youll always be able to make use of your favorite pieces of technology even if in the event of upgrades or replacements.

What is the difference between VGA and HDMI video connections?

While VGA and HDMI connections serve somewhat similar purposes on the technology that uses them, their main difference comes in the format in which they transfer video data. VGA, given its age, only transfers video data in analog format. By contrast, HDMI is capable of transmitting various types of data in addition to video in high-definition digital format.

What kind of devices can use VGA to HDMI connectors?

There are several different devices that could potentially benefit from a VGA to HDMI converter, mostly within the realm of bringing an older piece of technology into use with newer components. Some of the most likely candidates for this type of converter would be:

  • Televisions: A VGA to HDMI converter could be of great use with television video signals, both connecting an older TV to a newer cable box and vice versa.
  • Computer monitors: Probably one of the most common uses for these adapters is to connect an old VGA-exclusive computer monitor to a newer HDMI-enabled tower that does not normally include a VGA port.
What kind of connections between these two interfaces are available?

In order to use any kind of connection cable, there must be both a plug (male) and port (female) compatibly on the devices you wish to connect. As such, without the proper plug or port setup on your cable, you wont be able to connect anything. To remedy this problem, there are numerous configurations of VGA to HDMI converter cables that account for this issue. The most common setup would likely be to have two plugs on either end; one for VGA and one for HDMI, allowing you to insert each end into the plug on both devices. Other configurations have two ports, however, while still more have one of each. Before you buy, ensure you know exactly what kind of setup you need based on your devices designs.