Underwater Cases & Housings for Sony Camcorder

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The Basics of Underwater Camera Cases and Housings for Sony Camcorders

Sony produces several kinds of underwater accessories that you may be able to use with camcorders and other video equipment. Waterproof cases are one example of a housing unit for electronics that may provide some resistance to moisture. If you are looking for underwater camera cases and housings for Sony camcorders, you may wish to know some common types you can find, how to use them, and what features they might have.

What types of underwater camcorder housings are there?

Most water-resistant accessories for video equipment fall into two categories: flexible and rigid. Each type of housing has features and uses that may benefit you:

  • Flexible: Underwater housings move up to a certain maximum if they impact other objects; flexible properties of cases make them able to absorb energy from impacts and transfer them away from the camcorder
  • Rigid: Camcorder housings do not bend like flexible housings; usually have hard sides all around; use density of materials to insulate video equipment
What are buoyancy specifications?

Most housings that are designed for use in the water feature a buoyancy rating. Each of the three main buoyancy ratings denotes how the case may float when it is in the water. Each buoyancy type can have its uses. Understanding the differences between these specifications may help you narrow your search and find the underwater accessory that meets your needs. The three primary buoyancy types are:

  • Negative buoyancy: Housing is denser than the water around it; will sink rather than float
  • Positive buoyancy: Case will float on surface of water
  • Neutral buoyancy: Housing will not sink or float; it will appear to float in the middle of the water
How far down can you use housings?

Most waterproof cases include a depth rating that tells you how far below the surface of the water you can take the case. There is no ideal depth as you may wish to stay close to the surface for some shots or below it for others. Some common depth specifications you may find include:

  • 5 to 19 feet
  • 20 to 49 feet
  • 50 to 100 feet
  • 100 to 150 feet
  • More than 150 feet
How do you care for electronic housings?

You can follow these basic steps to care for your video cases:

  • Use water and mild soap to clean the case's exterior
  • Apply vigorous pressure to rigid cases to remove mud
  • Housing should be completely dry before inserting video equipment
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