Tattoos & Body Art Products

How Do You Apply a Henna Tattoo? 

Clean with skin with mild soap and water to remove dirt and debris, then put on a pair of gloves before handling the henna tattoo paste or cream. Prepare the product according to the manufacturer's recommendations and use the applicator to draw the design onto the skin. For best results, use thick layers of henna paint to allow the skin to absorb the dye. Let the henna sit for approximately 15 to 30 minutes before peeling it off or placing it under running water. Do not rub the cream off the skin, as this can lighten the tattoo. To prevent fading, apply lotion or moisturizer to the area on a daily basis and cover it with Vaseline before venturing into a chlorinated pool.

Which Tattoo Needles Should You Choose for Your Design? 

Round liner needles, which are represented as RL on the packaging, are ideal for outlining the design. Round shading, or RS, tattoo needles are great for shading or coloring in between the lines of the RL outline. Stacked magnum, or M1, needles are best suited for blending and shading in smaller areas, while round magnum, or RM, needles can color in larger areas without placing a great deal of pressure on the skin. This makes them a great choice for those with sensitive skin or if the tattoo is being placed in a sensitive area, such as the inner elbow or back of the knee. Flat tattoo needles are recommended for shapes and intricate shading, like creating a perfect square or star pattern.

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