Samsung Galaxy S III Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy S III Smartphones



Samsung Galaxy S III
Display Size
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


293 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by mystk_1953October 12, 2016

    Great Smartphone

    I love this Galaxy S3!! My phone finally went kaput on me, and I was having a fit about having to upgrade to a new smartphone. I am very pleased to say that I was able to find this phone, and that it is exactly like the one I originally purchased. The phone is easy to use, plenty of options, great battery life, reception, everything that I need. Very happy with purchase!!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by rbmillJuly 09, 2018

    Great value

    Phone is new condition if not new .. the only issue was the original Samsung internet program .. a little research showed it as a known issue .. simple solution was to just install the latest version of Chrome. phone is the perfect size .. fits in the jacket pocket and don't need a briefcase to carry it around. Old model .. but great value

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by thac0827June 22, 2016

    So far so good

    I am a new user of smart phones and therefore not really sure how to provide detail evaluation at this point. I have found no shortcomings in the phone, but it may be due to my lack of experience or it may be that the phone has no shortcomings. I have no problem recommending the phone to a friend based on my limited experience.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by pixmaster33March 22, 2016

    Galaxy S3 phone

    Good deal for the phone though it is refurbished and no manual came with it but easy enough to look up online. Took a while to figure it out from ones I had been used to. Only down side I can see is I can't get it to read my memory card and load what I have on it (address book and programs).

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by rayganrichard-0November 01, 2017

    Nice phone just few mistakes:

    Battery has good life span just wish it would last a little longer. Then there is the fact that on the screen there was a contact number burned into the screen. It's barely noticeable, but sadly I noticed. It also didn't come with a charger, so make sure you ask for one during purchasing. Overall better than my old phone.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by RxbuwU0QRe-@DeletedJune 27, 2017


    This phone came on time as a matter fact a day early I was impressed also it was in great physical condition and the inside function was nice and smooth as well impressed that I spent a couple of dollars and bout this phone because it was much needed

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by rideusa900March 12, 2018

    Good Phone

    I had an S-III for five years but got a new phone because the original's battery got to a point where it would last only a day. The phone I received works well in every aspect but the new battery is not much better. Overall a good buy.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by greghaley2004December 20, 2016

    good value for the money

    This is a great basic phone for a child or a person who doesn't need the more advanced features of phones costing five times as much. I had a Galaxy S4 and the display went bad; everything I used on the S4 is on the S3.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by sjccoloMarch 08, 2016

    Samsung Galaxy SIII

    Very nice phone and relatively fast. Battery is reasonable. As long as you have the extra battery stealing features off, the battery will last at least one day when phone calls are not extra long. Very satisfied.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by 6dJvDKtxRQG@DeletedMarch 17, 2016

    Samsung galaxy 3

    It may be an older galaxy but I love it. The 4G Lte is great and runs quickly for data and WiFi use. I like the 32GB it holds a lot of music, videos and photos.

    Verified purchase:Yes