Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Smartphones



Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Display Size
Release Date
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


895 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by feetjamesFebruary 29, 2016

    Note 3 Better than Note 5

    I am very excited to be getting this phone. Although I haven't received it yet I I'm looking forward to getting it and getting rid of my note 5. This is because of the pixel density of the note 4 and the note screens. Unfortunately, I found out with my new note 5 that I recently got that the pixel density is so high (ppi around 551) that the front on the screen is that much smaller than my samsung galaxy s4. It wasn't that I was getting older after using my galaxy s4 it was just that my brand new Samsung Note 5 device has a smaller font that cannot be overridden in the settings menu even if you know what you are doing. On some pages in my emails I was unable to enlarge the screen font by using my fingers on the screen. This gets frustrating after a while even when it works because I was trying to enlarge practically everything I was having to read. As a result, I am very excited about the new note 3 I will be receiving soon. I will just have to find out if the updates will be changing the font on the screen and if they will I will be refusing these software updates. In addition when I have held the Samsung devices with the faux leather backs on them I find them more comfortable and easier to hold and not drop than the plastic and rubbery cases that I have to buy for my Samsung devices that don't have these fake leather backs. As a result, I am looking forward to holding my new note 3.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by crescentcityrazorsOctober 13, 2015

    Great Phablet for a good price

    The Note 5 is horrible. No SD slot. Embedded battery. So it has an extra GB of RAM and so it has 64GB of storage onboard... that's all it will EVER have! The Note3 and Note4 only have 32GB. Waaa Waaa Waaa. Well, you can stick a 128GB SD card in there for ... you do the math. Okay, 160GB. WAY more than the Note 5. What does the Note4 have that the Note3 doesn't? Not much. Mostly just a bigger price. I like me some Note 3s! Great on Wifi... powerful Wifi radio. Good performance, especially with a custom ROM. SO FAR, I think the Note3 is the best bang for the buck in a pocket size android device. Get a gently used one for under $220 and you stylin. Get two, though, so you don't have to be skeered to root and flash one of them. High performance device; when rooted, its a computer that fits in your pocket and can make phone calls. Take that, I-thing!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by kassimartiNovember 26, 2015

    Great phone not so good sale experience

    We ordered and payed for the phones on Nov,13th 2015 we automatically got a tracking number and a ETA of Nov,18-23 a few days after getting the tracking ,we tracked it and it was still in pre shipment so I gave it another day and it was still in pre shipment . So I contact the company for them to tell me that my phone would go out Mon then I call to find out they had no more in stock ....WHY TAKE MONEY WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE THE PRODUCT???? So after days of bugging them I finally got them to agree to over night me my phones which they did . we got the phones and love them I just don't and won't be dealing with this company anymore

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by 8536johnAugust 26, 2018

    Love this phone

    Really fast phone, fires up quickly, I bought one when they first came out, and just recently bought a used one for T-Mobile for $170 brand new! Why pay $1,000 for a new phone when I've got the same size screen as an apple, or Note 8 or whatever is out now, until a phone has features I cannot do without, or until the Galaxy Note 3 becomes outdated, I'll stick with it!, bought three of my family members used ones of these two. Make sure though if you buy used, you buy it with what carrier you need originated. In other words don't buy a AT&T unlocked, if you have T-Mobile, you will not get Wi-Fi calling!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by canenciajSeptember 23, 2016

    SM-N900A y SM-N900T are(son) perfect(os) for(para) Ecuador

    Soy un ebayer con cierta experiencia en celulares comprados en los EEUU y traidos al Ecuador. Los Samsung 3,4, 5 y 6: los Samsung Note 3 y 4 que de fábrica son destinados a las operadoras AT&T y T-Mobile de los EEUU, son perfectamente compatibles con las bandas de las operadoras CNT, Movistar y Claro. Y particularmente para conectarse en 4G/LTE. De todos ellos, la mejor opción por su relacion calidad/precio es el Note 3 de AT&T (SM-N900A) o el Note 3 de T-Mobile (SM-N900T). Ninguna otra versión es tan perfecta como estos modelos. Y el útimo Note 3 que tengo en mis manos es simplemente velóz, potente, bello, y super eficiente en todas sus aplicaciones.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by warybyerDecember 18, 2015

    Old top of the line is still a keeper.

    Great specs.; even better than today's entry-mid level phones including a 5.7" 1080x1920 screen, 2.3 GHz quad-core Qualcomm processor, 13 mega pixel rear camera, Lollipop update, and basically an all encompassing (for now) North American cat 4 LTE radio (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 17, and 18 as per phonearena). And, yeah, the pen works wonders. It also helps that you can use it (Network Locked) with several prepaid services (that use T-Mobile towers) including MetroPCS, and Ting. Get an Network Unlocked one if you want to use it with other towers (AT&T), or abroad, radios permitting.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by bizzyguy365December 12, 2015

    Sweet phone

    I have used my note 3 on the straight talk network att sim..with out any problems whatsoever very satisfied customer. Plenty of power and strong software fast and reliable..screen is perfect size and clean crisp color and response. I do recommend for anyone looking for a note that's affordable and the stylus is a bonus..I didn't expect to use it but I do more and more to do things easier. You will like this phone..I also ordered a chemically treated glass screen protector and an otterbox defender is awesome and safe..don't hesitate

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by ufoelvisMarch 21, 2016

    Samsung Note 3 case from Samsung

    So far this is a good case made for this phone so convenient preview window on front cover lets you know whats up without opening case. The case folds completely around to back cover making for a hand friendly case when using the phone. I wonder about the durability of the cover's hinge but so far so good seems to be holding up fine. The cover does not bulk up the phone so it still slips into front packet easily. Got a great price on EBAY. Liking it!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by angel985May 16, 2017

    Lightweight with good features

    It is a very nice phone and has great features but it does not have good sound. I have to talk on the phone under open speaker in able to hear other party. Speaker is where you talk so with phone by your ear talking, you cannot hear other party good. Battery life is not as good as I was lead to believe but it is OK. It works great in my car as hands free through car speakers. Very pretty and light weight to handle

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by lovetorres92March 01, 2016

    Better upgrade!!

    I upgraded from a HTC One Remix to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 . I can definitely say it was a great decision , the phone works smoothly , great battery life . Also great focus on pictures . Plenty of space for pictures , apps music , books and movies ect... Adding the extra 6+ gbs really isn't needed with 32 gbs already on the phone.

    Verified purchase:Yes