Nikon 52mm Camera Lens Caps

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About Nikon 52mm Camera Lens Caps for Your Camera

A lens cap is an integral part of your photography equipment. It protects a vital piece of your Nikon so you can view images clearly to capture the pictures you desire with your camera. Knowing what type of cap you need will help you find the right fit.

What does a lens cap do?

A lens cap protects your camera lens from scratches and dust when it is inside of the camera bag. It also offers protection when your camera is hanging around your neck but you haven't started taking photos yet. Some covers may have additional padding in the center panel for added protection.

What types of caps are there?

There are caps for both the front and rear of your lens. Each one fits onto the camera lens in a different way. You will need to decide which type you need, or buy a set that provides you with one of each.

  • Front: This is the cover that is measured based on the size of the lens. It protects the front element where the glass is.
  • Rear: This is the cover that is based on the type of Nikon mount; it goes onto the back of the lens.
How does a cap attach to your 52 mm lens?

You can attach a lens cap in a few ways. You will want to see what options are available to provide the convenience you desire.

  • Screw-on: The cap screws onto the threading of the filter or lens.
  • Snap-on: The cap snaps into place and is removed by pressing on its edges.
  • Slip-on: The cap slides onto the equipment.
How do you determine which cap size you need?

Nikon cameras have many cap sizes. You will need to check the size of the lens in millimeters if you are shopping for a front lens cap; the millimeter measurement is etched into the front of your lens. If you have a 52mm lens, you will need a 52mm lens cap. Otherwise, the cover won't fit and you won't have the necessary protection for the glass.

What is a lens leash?

Some lens caps may have a lens leash attached. This allows the cap to dangle from the Nikon camera without your having to worry about losing it. One end attaches to the lens with an elastic band. The other end attaches to the cap.

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