Complete Manual Transmissions for Honda Civic

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Repair or Restore Your Honda Civic With a Manual Transmission

The Honda Civic is one of Honda's oldest and highest-selling mass-produced cars, remaining continuously in production since 1972. While automatic transmissions were introduced later, the car began with a manual transmission, and manual versions have remained ever since, particularly for well-received Civic models like those released in the early 2000s. Thanks to eBay, you'll be able to restore your old car from this era and buy a 2001 Honda Civic with a manual transmission, a transmission for a 2002 model, or one for many of the Civic's other model years.

Types of Honda Civic manual transmissions

For a car with as much longevity and as many production generations as the Honda Civic, it's not possible to provide a complete listing of all of the different kinds of manual transmissions that the car has used over the years. However, certain types of manual transmissions do tend to appear among eBay listings more frequently than others. To give you a good picture of what you're likely to see on eBay as you search for manual Honda Civic transmissions, here are some of the ones that come up most often:

  • The E5F P4A with a 5-speed manual transmission
  • The ATC6 with a 6-speed manual transmission
  • The S20 A000 with a 5-speed manual transmission
  • The S20 B000 with a 5-speed manual transmission

Many of the transmissions you'll find will be designed by Synchrotech, a company that builds Honda and Acura transmissions both for race cars and for ordinary consumer cars.

Honda manual transmissions and the car model years they fit

With 10 production generations of the Honda Civic having been made since 1972, the sheer number of transmission systems that you can buy for this car is quite large. However, the eBay listings for Civic manual transmissions often match the market for used Civics more generally. It's easier to find transmissions for the more widely owned model years. Here are some of the model years that you can find transmissions for:

  • 1992-1995 (Fifth Generation)
  • 1996-2000 (Sixth Generation)
  • 2001-2005 (Seventh Generation)
  • 2006-2011 (Eighth Generation)
What are some tips for buying used manual Civic transmissions?

Here are some important things to keep in mind as you go through the eBay listings in search of a manual transmission for your Civic:

  • Each listing will specify the model years with which that particular transmission is compatible, so be sure to match up the transmission you buy with the model year of your Civic.
  • Used transmission systems tend to be cheaper than new ones, with prices falling as you move to transmissions meant for progressively older model Civics.
  • Since automatic transmissions require more maintenance than manual ones, a used manual transmission is likely to be in better condition than an equally old automatic transmission.
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Honda.