Car Remote Start System Kits

Remote Car Starters

Having a remote starter feature on your vehicle has many benefits, especially when it comes to preheating your car when it gets extremely cold or unbearably hot outside, and many newer cars come with it included. There are many different types of remote car starters available that are manufactured by a variety of companies, and some of them are more effective than others concerning functionality and in ensuring you and your vehicle's safety. There are many features to consider when purchasing a remote starter, so be sure to do the necessary research before selecting a product.

How does a remote car starter work?

When a remote starter system is installed, the device, along with a radio receiver, is attached to the ignition system of your vehicle, which allows you to start it remotely. When a remote signal is sent to the starter, the engine responds identically to when a key is turned in the ignition. Battery-powered key fobs are often used to send signals to the starter, but some starters are compatible with smartphone applications.

What is a two-way starter control?

A two-way system allows you to send signals and commands to the car, such as starting the engine, and the vehicle can send information back in return. The computer of the car can check and report information, such as the internal temperature of the car, allowing you to plan accordingly.

What are the benefits of having a remote starter?
  • Extreme Weather: Having an iced-over windshield is a problem for many cars in the winter, but by starting your engine before you leave, you can come out to a warm and drivable car whenever you are ready. This is true of hot summer days as well, allowing you to turn on the air conditioning before leaving the house or work.
  • Smartphone Synching: If the start system is compatible with your phone, it will unlock numerous options, including starting the car, controlling the radio, locking and unlocking doors, opening the trunk, and much more.
What features are important in a starter system?
  • Transmitter Range: It is important to ensure that your starter has sufficient range for you to conveniently start your vehicle. Transmitters can have ranges from 500 feet to 5,000 feet or more, so be sure that you select a distance based on various circumstances, including starting the car from the house, inside a store, and other places.
  • Power: Some models also differ in power, and the more power a starter has, the better it will be able to transmit through walls and other structures, making sure you can get the full range out of your device.
  • Engine sensing: If a remote car starter does not have engine sensing, it cannot check if it successfully starts the engine. This feature also can check and control the engine revolution speed, preventing any problems with burning out or flooding the engine with fuel.
Are start systems secure to have installed?

Starting systems can actually significantly increase security, helping to prevent theft problems. Many models provide integrated alarms or alerts if someone does attempt to break into your car, and they also can include GPS, allowing you to locate your car if you allow someone else to drive it.