American DJ Stage Lighting Stands and Trusses

Set Up DJ Lights Using American DJ Stands and Trusses

During a party or event, American DJ stands and trusses can help you arrange lights in tactical locations on a stage. Multiple DJ stands and DJ trusses that are tall and short are options on eBay, and many pieces can hold slim and hefty LED lights.

What are the product types for DJ stands and trusses?

Stands and trusses by American DJ are molded and shaped strategically; the housing designs are important because they prevent stability problems. On eBay, there are standard shapes and styles for stands and trusses. The main options are:

  • T-bar stands - This type of stand is an industry standard as it has a structure that benefits performers who need proper lighting setups on the go. Along the top of a T-bar stand, there is a long straight bar that's designed for stage lights. An typical T-bar can arrange multiple lights strategically in a row.
  • Truss segments - DJ truss segments are individual pieces that connect together. A DJ truss is several feet long, and it can hold many lights over a stage.
What keeps an American DJ T-bar stand stable?

A T-bar stand has tripod feet that keep the entire base stable. If you put several heavy lights on a T-bar stand, each tripod leg will stabilize the base of the stand by distributing weight evenly. A tripod design is a practical option for a busy environment as it can prevent downward and horizontal tumbles.

What are the design specs for American DJ stands?

American DJ T-bar stands can support up to 80 pounds. T-bar stands are able to hold various stage lights effectively and efficiently because they have a solid construction that consists of polycarbonate materials. You'll also find stands that are made out of a high-quality aluminum material; these products have a 80-pound weight limit as well. No matter what option you select, the hardware will have an adjustable feature. The adjustable mechanism extends a DJ stand up to 12 feet.

What types of lights can be placed on DJ stands?

You can mount two types of lights on American DJ T-bar stage stands. The main options are:

  • Lighting cans - These lights are designed with a reflector lamp that has a parabolic aluminized housing. PARcan lights are commonly used on T-bar stands in residential and commercial environments.
  • Pin spots - Pin spots generate a narrow light beam. Many DJs mount these lights on a stand when they need mood lighting.
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